If You Love


If You Love

Ya Çok Seversen’, is the story of Ateş and Leyla’s crossing paths. Ateş was sent to boarding school after his mother’s death and never returned home. He has spent his life abroad standing on his own two feet and not trusting anyone. Leyla on the other hand, has never met her real family; she makes money by deceiving people

Yönetmen Ali Bilgin & Beste Sultan Kasapoğulları
Yönetmen Batuhan Semir
Yapımcı Kerem Çatay
Senaryo Kübra Salın
Müzik Güldiyar Tanrıdal
Oyuncular Kerem Bürsin, Hafsanur Sancaktutan, Hatice Aslan, Şerif Erol, Cemre Ebbuziya, Nazmi Kırık, Aziz Caner İnan, Mine Kılıç, Oğulcan Arman, Durukan Çelikkaya, Özgün Aktaş, Lara Aslan, Adin Kıle, Arven Yavuz


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